Category of Risk and Development History
Exemptions to State of Risk
Field Visits
24/07/2008, 24/04/2012, 30/9/2014
July 2008: External inspection finds the buildings to be in a poor condition. There is vegetation growth affecting the stonework. The doors and windows are boarded or covered with metal grills. Rainwater goods have mostly been lost.
September 2009: Local planners report that following the the outline planning application for a hotel and golf course development in 2004, an application (ref:07/00419/REM)was approved in February 2009, granting consent for the construction of the golf course. The Castle and stable block had previously received planning and listed building consent. To date there has been no applications to renew these consents.
March 2012: Local planners report the building remains at risk
24 April 2012: External inspection finds no significant change from the previous site visit. Local planners confirm full planning permission and listed building consent for alterations and extensions to the stables (along with the main house) to form a hotel have now lapsed. The overall site has been the subject of a number of planning applications, of which the most recently renewed was (04/000165) outline permission for a gold course, associated development and housing, Feb 2008 ( 07/01511/OUT). Planning permission for the creation of a golf course was also approved Feb 2009 (07/00419).
26 March 2014: Matters Specified in Condition consent is being sought for a detailed application for 60 dwellings and 5 fractional houses within the grounds of the Castle, agreed in principle ref: 07/1511/OUT, which was renewed Mar 2011. Supporting documents within the application note the continuing intention to convert the Castle itself into a hotel as laid out in the earlier masterplan for the site.
30 September 2014: External inspection finds the building remains in much the same condition as seen previously. External inspection finds the building remains in much the same condition as seen previously. Application for approval of matters specified in conditions of planning permission (for a detailed application for 60 dwellings and 5 fractional houses within the grounds of the Castle) 04/00165/OUT was conditionally approved ref: 14/00314/MSCM Jun 2014. Althought the supporting documents note the continuing intention to convert Dalquharron House to a hotel, the applications do not seek permissions for the conversion work.
10 July 2019: Dalquharran House and stables, along with approx 261 acres of pasture and woodland and the ruin of old Dalquharran Castle, are being marketed for sale through appointed agent Rettie's. A guide price has been set for the entire lot at £800,000.
Information Services
Additional Contacts/Information Source
Monumemts Record Castles and Mansions of Ayrshire by A H Millar. Close (1992), p184; Davis (1991), pp234-235; Dean and Miers (1990), p118; Millar (1885); Country Life, 22 August 1974, pp494-495; Royal Society of Arts Journal, (9174), p684.
Ancillary Buildings
Original Entry Date
Date of Last Edit